Social & Evolutionary Psychology Laboratory
Macchione, A. L., Sacco, D. F., Brown, M. (2024). Comparing the efficacy of two inclusivity interventions on willingness to invest in female- versus male-led STEM and non-STEM companies. Journal for STEM Education Research.
Bruton, S. V., Macchione, A. L., Brown, M. (2024). Citation ethics: An exploratory survey of norms and behaviors. Journal of Academic Ethics.
Sacco, D. F., Namuth, A., Macchione, A. L., & Brown, M. (2024). Differences in support for retractions based on information hazards among undergraduates and federally funded scientists. Journal of Academic Ethics.
Namuth, A., Brown, M., Macchione, A. L., & Sacco, D. F. (2023). Assessing the online scientific community's support for various reasons for article retraction: A preliminary survey. Ethics in Progress.
Macchione, A. L., & Sacco, D. F. (2023). Comparing the efficacy of two affirmation interventions to reduce stereotype threat effects on women’s math performance. Journal for STEM Education Research.
Macchione, A. L., Sacco, D. F, Brown, M., & Keefer, L. A. (2022). Company and perceiver characteristics influencing willingness to invest in female- versus male-led start-up companies in STEM and non-STEM fields. Journal of Applied Social Psychology.
Macchione, A. L., Brown, M., & Sacco, D. F. (2022). Crowd salience reduces aversion to facially communicated psychopathy but not narcissism. Evolutionary Psychological Science.
Sacco, D. F., Brown, M., Macchione, A. L., & Young, S. G. (2021). No evidence for social surrogacy in fostering intentions to follow social distancing guidelines. Social Psychology.
Macchione, A. L., & Sacco, D. F. (2021). The effect of workplace gender composition on investment interest in hypothetical companies. Psychological Reports.
Boykin, K., Brown, M., Macchione, A. L., Drea, K., & Sacco, D. (2021). Noncompliance with Masking as a Coalitional Signal to US Conservatives in a Pandemic. Evolutionary Psychological Science.​
Sacco, D., Holifield, K., Drea, K., Brown, M., & Macchione, A. L. (2020). Dad and mom bods? Inferences of parenting ability from bodily cues. Evolutionary Psychological Science.